
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:08:01
这几句英文如何解释?For best results,apply ACNE CONTROL LOTION to affected areas.Allow to dry before applying OIL-FREE SPF 15 LOTION.continue use even after skin is clear.For best results,wash face with SKIN POLISHUNG ACNE CLEANSER and apply 这句英文应该怎么解释He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes .他让侍者去拿一盒香烟这句英文sent for(派人去拿) 是应该以一个片语解释还是应该把sent与for这二个字分开解释 形容很陶醉的词语 形容陶醉的词如:流连忘返 初一上册英语的全部句型 初一上册英语句型总结百度知道如:let‘s sb.to do sth. 求初一上册的英语基本句型不对, 初一上册英语句型初一上册每一个单元的重点句型 英语初一上册第12单元的句型 have sb +动词原形 和 have sb +动词过去分词1.have sb +动词原形 让某人做某事?举个例子2.have+动词过去分词 是不是被动语态?同样也举个例子 形容快乐的时间过得特别快的四字词急 i just want to konw why jennifer‘s more intersted in frank than me怎么直译.为什么jennifer后面加's? 形容时间快的词语要两个字或三个字的,成语不要例:一瞬间 帮我解释一下这段英文句子when i grow up ,i will to be a violinist .my favorite violivist is Chen Mei ,i like her very much .my parents also like her very much .For many yong people becoming a professional violinist might seem a dream job , because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon,the other 999999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and relays为什么用searches relays呢? 英文句子求解释Read carefully and fill in the blanks.Counters are any objects such as coins,beads,paper clips that the student can use to help them count.It is not important for the items to fit into the circles but rather that the student is a 初一上册英语6——8单元试题!急! 那个大哥大姐帮帮忙?、 哪位好友能帮我提供一些人教版初一年级的英语上册的单元试卷啊? 去伊拉克这个词英语怎么说?如果谁知道请马上告诉我! "浅谈伊拉克战争原因"的英文翻译xiexie 关于使役动词与感官动词的用法1.感官动词后什么时候加动词原形,什么时候加ing?2.使役动词make,let后除了可以加动词原形,还可不可以加ing或ed分词?have后只能加分词吗?如果have后还可以加动词 哇塞,哈哈,等词用英语怎么说? These so-called friends are a bad influnce on her.are 怎么和a连用呢?没太听明白, States should give legal status to "living wills",allowing individuals to demand that they not be kept alive artificially. 英语翻译She never looked at the letters as she happily married.He had made the sandwich himself,of stone-ground whole wheat said to be organically grown.stone-ground Twenty years ago,i brought in a pair of shoes,do u think u have still got them? 2012金考卷英语特快专递45套答案 金考卷周末培优英语必修1+必修2答案 2012 金考卷英语,第二期什么时候上市 感官动词后可接从句么?接的是不是宾语从句? 感官动词怎么接从句?就比如说You saw the bus crash into the truck.以及You saw the bus crashed into the truck.他们都是对的吗?那怎么区分呢? 感官动词后面加什么英语感官动词 在一般下加什么、? 在被动句应该是加什么形式的? 联系动词和感官动词hear是感官动词还是系动词?I can't hear you well