
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:35:44
哪位朋友帮忙翻译一下“I hate myself for loving you!”这句话!~ Don't try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to. Don’t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.是什么意思? I hate English I hate English是啥意思? I HATE U 中文歌词,英文也要 到底是谁发明英语的,I hate it! i will make a model plane.变被动语态 1、用戴维南定律求图示当中,当R(L)为何值时,R(L)电阻消耗的功率最大,其最大功率为多少?2、图示电路,开关原来长时间合在1位置,在t=0时,将开关由1位置搬至2位置.用三要素法求i(t).(t》0 Let Su Yang ____(make) the model plane for us 用适当形式填空 名词性从句中what和which的区别 名词性从句which与what3.He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb and said,“Ghost.”A.that           B.what C.which        D.as为什么不选which 英语翻译They are both studying to be English teachers.主要是时态问题,他们都准备成为英文老师 是这个意思吗 英语翻译there students work under the guidance of experienced doctors,students observe the treatment of patients,they also examine patients and advise treatmentmedical school graduates face strong competition to gain a resident position 英语翻译M:Hurry up,Linda!I hear that there aren't many tickets left for the football march.W:I'm ready now.Let's go.It is the bird that catches the worm.其中,"It is the bird that catches the worm."怎么翻译合适呢? 含有o,u发/u/的单词有(六年级) 英语翻译Be polite!Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere.这句话怎么翻译?will get 还有就是Don’t spend a paragraph on how your uncle John tried to fix the problem and couldn’t.(前文没有提到uncle john,这句话是典故 江湖救急...已知数列{an}各项均为正数其前n项和为Sn且满足4Sn=(an+1)平方 求{an}的通项公式. 数学题.江湖救急某地区的农产品A第x天(1 江湖救急,(-1)2n+(-1)2n+1=______(n为正整数).如果一个数的平方等于这个数的绝对值,则这个数是( )A.0,-1 B.±1 C.0,1 D.0,±1、在有理数32,23,-33,(-2)3,(-3-1)2,|1-32|中相等的是( )A.32与-32 B.2 Let's make dumplings.(改为同义句):_____ _____ makLet's make dumplings.(改为同义句):_____ _____ making dumplings. Let us make some dumplings for supper.=( )about( )some dumplings for supper? 求知英语单词large和big有什么不同我听一本英语词典说:big是形容体积large是形容面积和容积但有一些书籍却跟它刚好相反,到底是怎么一回事啊? 英语中,large quantity 还是big quantity呢 DNA是英文缩写吗?那扩写是怎样的快 你变了英文缩写 用所有的单元音和双元音一个一个组词 一个组10个词左右 现有(1)铁片(2)饱和食盐水(3)硫酸钠(4)酒精(5)H2SO4(6)KOH(7)蔗糖(8)碳酸(9)CO2(10)硫酸钡其中属于电解质的是__________属于非电解质的是________________既不属于电解质也不属于非电解 big 和large的用法和区别. what 与which在引导名词性从句时的区别 large,big有什么区别? 引导名词性从句What和Which都能用吗?有什么区别?