来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:31:14
英语翻译eight.When George was fourteen,he became his father's helper.He spent a lot of time learning about engineers (发动机).And on holidays he often made one engine to pieces and studies each piece carefully.Soon he became a very good worker 除数和被除数的比是1:3,被除数、除数、商的和是35,被除数是多少? Washington D.C.was named( )the first President of the U.S.A George WashingtonA from B after C by D with 7^2N+1次方-1的差除以8的余数 5分之3一15分之2+2分之5要化简 化简比3分之2时: 要使关于X,Y的多项式6mx²-8nxy+3x-4xy-x²+y-3不含二次项,求代数式3m-4n. I was born Kentucky is the state _____ Lincoln was born in.A.when B.where C.who D.which Kentucky is the state ____ lincoln was born in .Awhen B Where C who D which 应该选B还是D 为什么?这个题答案给的是B,我觉得也应该是D,但是这里是不是有什么特殊呢? 连成定语从句 Kentucky is the state.Lincoln was born there. Kentucky is the state ___ Lincoln was born in.A.when B.Where C.who D.which 已知多项式3x三次方+ax²+bx+42能被多项式x²-5x+6整除,求a、b的值 已知多项式3x³+ax²+bx+42能被多项式x²-5x+6整除,求a、b的值. 这倒多项式咋做?3X^3 +aX^2+bX+42能被X^2-5X+6整除,求a,b的值 已知 a的2次方+4a+b的2次方-6b+13=0 求a、b的值 若a的2次方+b的2次方+4a—6b+13=0,试求a的b次方的值 the twins were born () a Friday evening.括号里面填什么介词?为什么不能是in 或at呢? 改错Who give you the present?He was born in the evening of 3rd September.Give Li Lei and I sometomatoes,please. he was born ___the evening ____the april 8tha.in;inb.on;onc.on;ofd.in;ofthank you ___a new pen_____me.()a.for buying;tob.to buy;toc.buying;ford.for buying;for He was born___the evening____March 2nd. she was born on the evening of March 2nd中介词的用法与不同为什么不能说she was born in the evening of March 2ndshe was born on the evening on March 2ndshe was born in the evening in March 2nd为什么? 化简 3√8-5√32 ,7√3没说完,看下面化简 3√8-5√32 ,7√3-√3分之一 ,√40-5√十分之一+√10 ,√5分之√20+√5-2 ,3√分之√12+√27 ,(√3+√2)×(√3+√2) ,2√12+3√48 ,√七分之一+√28-√700 ,√32-3 化简下面各比0.3:0.5 化简下面各比3:0.5 化简下面各比5分之2:3分之1 (1)若|x+y+5|+(xy-6)的平方=0,求 x的平方+y的平方 (2)若a²+b²+4a-6b+13=0,求a的b次方.(3)若x²-4x+y²+2y+5=0,求2x-y²(4)已知a²b²+a²+b²+1=4ab,求a和b(5)已知x²-4x+1=0, 分解因式:(1)(x+y)的3次方+125 (2)a的3次方c-4a平方bc+4ab平方c (3)xy-1-x+y He was born on the morning of December 8th 可不可以去掉of?He was born on December 8th morning?the first one to do sth可不可以说the first one doing sth I————breakfast at seven为什么不能填eat?为什么be good for health不是he He likes winter.He was born ____the morning of December 24th,1994 A on B in C at D for He was born ______ the moring of December 8th. He was born ( ) a morning ofHe was born ( ) a morning of May