
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:25:35
i he you tobe 什么意思 tobe No. How tobe politer是什么意思知道的就答不知道的别凑热闹 请揣摩一下文章中僧人听了贵官的话后的心情.灵隐寺僧某,以茶得名,铛臼皆精.然所蓄茶有数等,恒视客之贵贱以为烹献;其最上者,非贵客及知味者,不一奉也.一日,有贵官至,僧伏谒甚恭,出佳 开头很像结婚进行曲的英文歌女生唱的很欢快歌词里有there is a day i on my way there says a story story这首歌的名字是什么? 谁有好一点的 古诗词少见一点的 数学竞赛共20题,做对一题5分,不做0分,做错扣2分.小毛得64分,他做对的和没做对的一样多.他做对几题 双拥征文, lone lonely 的区别 I want to livein your heart deadline is a lifetime. 什么叫“双拥工程"?简单明白点,别啰嗦,别复制别人的! 才有16%的人安于目前的工作状态.中的‘才‘在以下解释中属于哪一类能力:能..这人很有~干.指某类人(含贬义):..方,始:昨天~来.现在~懂得这个道理.仅仅:用了两元.来了~十天. 外教在线一对一都是哪国老师啊? Expalin Why it is important Shanghai to host the World EXPO 2010.Discuss the possible effects of the events on Shanghai over the next few years. 英语翻译T tissue paper is not easy to be torn as compared B tissue paper when it is wet.Is T tissue paper_______than B tissue paper when it is wet?想知道when it is wet中的it代表什麽@@ well,i fell nice beyong to this sentence,thanks. 一个英语语法问题,为什么stealing用ing形式Running after them,the owner threw ashtrays and vases,but the thieves got away,stealing thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. 很拉风的词语,可到底是怎样情形呢?囧 英语翻译在其他员工都夸大事实的情况下,员工不应该因此受到处罚.这样翻译可以吗?最好能够通顺,没有歧义. Before we use a pencil,we need a ( ) What do you often do when you are sad?的回答 Tom felt good about ___(he)and became a top student in his class at last fell后面接good 还是 well 为什么? 非谓语动词记那些做主语那些的对高中生有用没啊! 新概念2课后习题答案谁知道新概念的课后习题答案,10课, 在一句话里,非谓语动词主语必须和动词主语一样吗 请问两句中的非谓语动词instructing和compared做什么成分?逻辑主语是谁?Tests onhealthy volunteers found that they were more likely tofeel a sense of fear at the moment when their hearts are contracting(收缩) and pumping blood aro 他对那场激动的电影感到很兴奋.(翻译) used change have game afraid 连词成段 成功是留给有准备的人,准备是指哪方面? 大器晚成一般是指人多少岁成功?