
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:07:31
she is not sure()the thing介词 英语翻译 帮帮忙.请问“深圳市南山区海德三道海岸大厦西座1401室”翻译成英文是什么啊?很急很急的,大家帮下忙,谢啦 英语翻译请骨灰级看:1.I was reading while listening to music.2.I was reading and listening to music.两句都是翻译成一边读书一边听音乐,但两者的区别何在? I was very happy to stay at home and raise our three children. To their great relief,the missing child retumed home,____,afteran absence of two weeks.A.felt tired and sound B.tiring and soundlyC.feeling tired but soundly D.tired but sound To their great relief,the missing child returned home,_____________,after an absence of two weeks.A.felt tired and soundB.tiring and soundlyC.feeling tired but soundlyD.tired but sound you can't imagine that a top student should have failed in the exam.这里为什么用 should? It is no surprise that Tom should have won the match,这句话为什么要虚拟汤姆赢了这场比赛,这没有什么可奇怪的 民政局 怎么翻译 英语翻译请问我在香港已离婚但我的离婚证是几张纸并且全是英文.我现在想和内地的男朋友结婚我们该怎样办结婚证?还有我的户口本上没有写我的婚姻状况,可不可以就拿我的户口本和身份 湖南省民政厅怎么翻译 简单的两个词词语 someplace safe为什么形容词放后面了·· safe的形容词是什么 "Happy birthday to a wonderful person! happy birtday to a wonderful person 请帮我翻译一个韩国人名 yongchi won 这是一位韩国朋友的名字 翻译成中文是什么呢 帮忙把“深圳市南山区海德二道97号”翻译成英文书信地址格式 有首歌,是个女孩唱的歌词里有I miss you I miss you中文歌有首歌,是个女孩唱的歌词里有I miss you I miss you,还有“想念你 想念你 想念你的.”应该是最近比较流行的! 有首歌叫I MISS YOU是青春美少女唱的是谁 青春美少女组合除了最近很红的i miss you,还有什么好听的歌曲?很喜欢这个青春美少女组合 请介绍一下演唱i miss you的青春美少女组合很喜欢她们的i miss you,不喜欢罗百吉翻唱的版本 为自己写一个计划来保持健康.告诉我们你想做饮食和运动. 这个英语作文怎么写 英语的助动词和词性的用法,什么词后跟什么词. 英语翻译For The Damaged Maybe again he will be aloneGuess we're equally damagedFind your name do it all the same equallySignal when you can't breathe no moreSay you were me then you could see the viewYou'll know we are equally damagedDon't be a f 找一首歌,歌词里有:miss you miss you miss you麻烦大家了.不是中文歌,是外国歌,比较新,有3个miss you 和以前I Miss You一样的流行曲是什么歌 有一首歌曲和I MISS YOU的音调有些相似,有人知道是什么歌嘛?罗百吉的I MISS YOU I want to go to bed early tonight.I'm feeling ( ) tired.请问这里填 a little 还是 kind of ,为什么填这个?2、some people are walking and ( ) people are playing with their children .A .other B .else C .others D.the others 请问填什么 , I ____(be) tired.I____(go)to bed early tonight i am very tired maybe you will want go to bed