
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:20:53
what does life mean to me The mother and the daughter look the same (同义改写) The daughter ____ similar to her motherbe 动词该填? 谁能搞到这两首歌,我重谢!mother and daughter ver.1和mother and daughter ver.2我要能够下载的! Look some people are running the red lights.We should wait______others are breaking the rule.A.if B.unless C.although D.because 我觉得选d 英语翻译默 离 两字翻译成汉语 英语 sorry 用kathy,buy,buy Kunming,what,to,to,in,she,going,going,is,is,flowers,beautiful连成一句问句和一句答句 Sarah is going to buy a pair of shoes的问句是什么? Sarah is going to buy a pair of shoes的问句我就不多说了,希望各位英语高手帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮帮忙 It is time _____ (play) football 连词成句a waste of time a long time to It is such play football for Don not play football,because it is time for----(play)volleygball. 男女演员都很出色 怎么用英语翻译? Parents usually let their children choose their o___jobs. 填空It is ( )black It is ( )black pen 改为同义句the quilt is biue---this is( )( )( )在线等答案哦,急~ black snd biue是什么意思(不能翻译为黑色和蓝色) He is in a black cap and biue shoe.划线提问①、划He ②、划in a black cap and blue shoe It's black________favourite colour is biue. 英语翻译 回忆以前的事能使失忆的人恢复记忆么如题是选择性失忆 Do you parents know that? you should all know that,all 放在should前后都无所谓吗we've each invited about 10 people each怎么意思?句子翻译 you should all know 怎么用英语介绍一个家具的价钱要用英语,要有价钱描述的句子 英语翻译It;s twenty past three oh the metting will begin in twenty minutesI heared the metting has been put off we sill have forty minutes left 英语中部分倒装的情况? contest是什么意思 contest什么意思? Cinese contest是什么意思 what Mr brown said just now is (to do with )the story什么意思为什么要填 to do with Mr.Brown is Tom's________.a.motherb.brotherc.sisterd.father That's it. Ah ~~nice to have friends. Do you think?中文意思是什么 Do you think friends are important for you?Why?